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asus M5A97 and 8gb dimms?

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  • asus M5A97 and 8gb dimms?

    I recently purchased an asus M5A97 mb to build a "new" system from, initially i'll be using my athlon ii x4 640 from my current system as the processor (eventually upgrading)...ideally, i'd like to put 16gb, with the potential to go to 32gb of ram in, which the more i read, might not be possible...the main question i have is, has anyone had any luck using 8gb dimms on their M5A97? the F3-10666CL9D-16GBXL (8gb x 2)specifically? it's not on the asus QVL and gskill doesn't list it as fall back plan is to go with the F3-10666CL9Q-16GBXL if (4gb x 4) and hope i never need more (which realistically, i shouldn't, but i'll be using it for 3d rendering, so you never know) and another question, is there any difference between going with two separate dual channel kits as opposed to one quad channel kit? are the quad channel kits "matched" to work best together, or would it be safe to get 2 dual channel kits? (ironically, it's a hair cheaper) thanks for any help

  • #2
    As far as 8GB sticks, should be able to run them, will prob require voltage adjustments. The 4x4GB set might be better and will be the same, but think your current 640 can prob drive the set, a higher end CPU will make it much easier, like a 1100 or better. If you do go 4x4GB, it's Best to get a single set, that way they are tested to work together, any time you mix sets it can be problematic and no guarantee the two sets will play together, especially with AMD due to it's weaker MC (memory controller), if thinking over 16GB I'd go with Intel....and as a note, with AMD it's all dual channel, per se, the only true quad channel mobos out there right now are the Intel X79 socket 2011. Most 4 stick sets that are marketed as quad channel are actually meant for -dual channel with 2 sticks in each channel, so it's sort of mis-leading
    Last edited by Tradesman; 03-27-2012, 06:58 AM.

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    • #3
      thanks for the advice...and after doing a little more research into what others are using for machines for the 3d software i use (3ds max) 16 should be plenty for the work i do, which is more of a hobby, but also sometimes done for side work...i figured it was time i weened off of xp pro 32 bit and got with the times and windows 7 64, ha, ha...the ram limit was a big bottleneck...but on my 5 year old mb the 640 can drive all four dimms, but i'm only using ddr2 800 in that machine 6gb total although i know xp only sees 4, i think i was just too lazy to take them out after "testing" to see if i could mix two 1gb dimms with 2 2gb dimms...but thanks for clearing up the dual/quad channel part as well, i know it "used" to be an issue way back with ram and wasn't sure if it still held true now-a-days


      • #4
        Glad it helped, keep us informed of your progress and of course if you need any help just holler

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        • #5
          i definitely will...i know when i put the 640 in my machine about 2 years ago and did some other changes i had a hell of a time...thought my bios crashed, bought a new chip, cleared/reset the cmos 50 billion times, tried different power supplies, it was a blast, ha, ha...all-in-all i just had to clear the cmos and install everything from the ground up, definitely a learning experience


          • #6
            A neverending learning experience, been working with systems for about 30 years now

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            • #7
              and since i have your attention through here...after doing some more thinking, would there be any disadvantages going with some ddr3 1600 with the 640 and obviously down clocking it to run at 1333? the 4x4gb ripjaws GBRL set is on the asus QVL for AM3 and AM3+ cpus, qualified to run all 4 dimms at 1600 with an AM3+ processor, but not explicitly stated for AM3 processors which could simply be there way of saying to sort of works, but you won't get 1600 with an AM3 chip...basically my thought was that it will give me that extra clock speed down the road when i upgrade the processor


              • #8
                Yes, and it's a good way to go, that way if you ever upgrade the CPU or the CPU/mobo then you'll have faster DRAM available....and as far as the QVL, many if not most all test their mobos w/ the most powerful CPU available, which is one reason you see AMD mobos out there stating they'll run say 2133, they've done the testing with an FX-8150, and some may be able to drive 2133 but many won't

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                • #9
                  well, i jumped on the F3-12800CL9Q-16GBRL's...newegg sent me a 15% off coupon for memory that expires this weekend "or before funds run out", so i went for it


                  • #10
                    Let us know how it goes!

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                    • #11
                      i definitely's amazing how much the prices have dropped in 5 years though...i went back and looked at the first 1GB stick of g.skill i got for my current system $125!!! ha, ha...and now to be able to get 16gb for almost $75 (granted, with a coupon) is insane...but my first tests will be with a knoppix live cd just to make sure all the parts are working and playing nice together even if it's just for the simply piece of mind that it boots, ha, ha and eventually i'll throw windows 7 64 pro on there when i can get a deal on it


                      • #12
                        How about a MB for $100, or I go back to a 100MB HD for 10 Grand......

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                        • #13
                          Low prices are killing the industry though, the big bad manufacturers are trying to take over.

                          Just a little over a year ago, 24GB was $3000. Now 24GB is $150!


                          It is great because everybody can have a lot of memory now, but horrible for the economy.

                          Thank you
                          GSKILL TECH

