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F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM + Asus M5A97 Evo

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  • F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM + Asus M5A97 Evo


    Im having problem with the 2x2gb kit F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM (1333mhz CL8). BlueScreens, data corruption, aplications hangs. I tested with memtest and there a lot of errors.

    I tried 1333mhz 8-8-8-24, 1333mhz 9-9-9-24, 1600mhz 9-9-9-24 (all with 1.5v manual), but nothing work. I also swith the orden of the sticks in the mb.

    Ideas? or should i send the to my provider RMA?

  • #2
    Not sure what CPU you are running, but if getting a number of errors at 1333 8-8-8-24 then I'd look to RMA through your provider if within the time limits if the errors show up on a single stick, if getting errors on both sticks individually (tested by themselves) then it's possible again, that the sticks are bad, but also possible you have a CPU that can't run 1333 sticks, a problem with the mobo, or the settings, etc.

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    • #3
      i'm using a phenom 955


      • #4
        Should run 1333 at 8-8-8-24, 1.5 - make sure CR (Command Rate/Timing) at 2N....if still problems raise DRAM voltage to 1.55 and maybe CPU/NB to 1.25

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        • #5
          i exchanged the sticks again, and no more errors :S i tested with 9hours of memtest and seems to be ok.

          this is really strange.

          btw: command rate 2N y the same that 2T?


          • #6
            Yep, 2N/2T are interchangeable - used to be Intel went with the 'T' designator and AMD used the 'N' but it seems anymore it just jumps around - am wondering if you may have had a fleck of dust in the DIMM socket or even if the socket was tight or loose which can throw things off. MSi had problems with their P67 mobos awhile back that was due to overly tight DIMM sockets and ended up changing their provider

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            • #7
              i found hard to belive that i was dust, the pc is very clean (i'm a bit obsesive with this xD)

              I hope that there is not a mb problem. In the past i had a similar problem, and i solved after try to many things in bios (diferente frecuency, latency, disabling cool'and'quiet, asus EPU, and other useless asus stuff), and exchanging the sticks ^^ It worked for a few months and started again this week, but as i said in my last post, seems to working fine again after another sticks exchange
              I can't figured out a logic explanation for this


              • #8
                hi again, sorry for revive this topic, but i got some usefull info that may help to others.

                The problem was the motherboard, asus m5a97 EVO and m5a97 PRO have some stability and incompatibility problems with memory. Asus released a bios update that solve this (BIOS version 0813 in my case)

                Thx for u help @Tradesman


                • #9
                  Hey, no problem and thanks for the info update....glad to hear all is well, keep in touch..

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