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F3-10666CL8D-4GBHK Timing

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  • F3-10666CL8D-4GBHK Timing

    Just finished a new build, my first, with a GigaByte GA-880GMA-UD2H and a 2x2 set of the DDR3-1333 listed above.
    The board auto selected 9-9-9-24 timing at 1333 .
    After everything was up and running I changed timing in bios to 8-8-8-21-2T. Wouldn't post, I got the three beeps and an error message it was due to overclocking.
    Changed back to Auto, and 9-9-9-24. Should I just leave it there?

  • #2
    Do you have the latest BIOS? It should work with those timings.. try one stick at a time to see if one is causing the problem.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Bios version F5, 9/30/2010, is current.

      My DRAM voltage, set by AUTO in bios on MB, is 1.6v. It chose 9-9-9-24-1T
      Balance of AUTO settings:
      Memory Clock : x6.66
      TwTr Timing: 5T
      Trfc : 160ns (for the two slots I'm using, 2 and 4)
      Write Recovery Time: 10T
      Recharge Time: 5T
      Row Cycle Time: 33T
      Ras to Cas Delay: 4T

      If I change only to 8-8-8-21 the system will not boot.

      Are there additional settings I must change to tighten the timings?


      • #4
        Command Rate should be 2T...what is your CPU/NB and vCore at?

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        • #5
          Test one at a time to see if one has a problem. If all fails, send them in for RMA and try a new kit.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            Tman, the voltages are:

            Vcore: 1.3500v
            NB Voltage Control: 1.200v

            I did try 2t command before, same result.

            In CPU-Z, where I saw the speed is low, the SPD columns for the two sticks shows the same for both sticks.

            Really don't think it's a bad stick issue. I simply don't know enough about bios settings.
            And while Gigabyte is reputed to build a good board, this IS version 1.0 of the Award Bios.

            Oh, and the last computer I built myself was an 8080 based machine.

            Thanks for helping out an old guy, who happens to be right up I-10 (Phx),


            • #7
              Might try the NB @ 1.25 - and have you tried the sticks in slots 1-3?..........Planning a trip up that way in a few weeks, going to hit Fry's Electronics, Cabela's and BASS Pro Shops

              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


