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GA-P55A-UD4P not booting

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  • GA-P55A-UD4P not booting

    I've recently bought a new PC, and I installed everything like it should be
    but when I turn it on I don't see anything on the screen.
    So I've checked everything, including the video card but they all seemed ok.
    When I got to my memory I tried placing them on the white sockets instead of the blue ones (this motherboard has 2 white sockets and 2 blue sockets)
    After I did this the system boot was fine (1 beep from the motherboard speaker) so I figured out that was the problem.
    But after a restart the same problem returns and I can't see anything on screen. And every time I reset BIOS configuration the system starts fine and I can get into the BIOS, but after a restart the problem returns.
    The memory I use is this model

    Please help me

  • #2
    If the sticks are good, will probably need more info, but to start have you run memtest on each stick individually in slot 1, (closest to the CPU). If they boot into the BIOS check that the base settings are right Timings at 7-7-7-21, DRAM Voltage at 1.35 and CR (Command Rate) at 2N or 2T.

    Otherwise will want to know the motherboard (make/model), MB BIOS ver #, CPU model and speed you have it at.

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